The Man Who Needed Nothing is Lithuanian author Rasa Aškinytė's third novel. Eschewing sentimentality, the novel questions the normal movement of relations. Every action and rebound is examined with irony and an analytical gaze. Through paradox and dark humor Rasa Aškinytė aims to show that nothing is as it seems to be. The Man Who Needed Nothing original was selected as The Best Book of The Year 2014 by Lithuanian readers.
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The Man Who Needed Nothing is Lithuanian author Rasa Aškinytė's third novel. Eschewing sentimentality, the novel questions the normal movement of relations. Every action and rebound is examined with irony and an analytical gaze. Through paradox and dark humor Rasa Aškinytė aims to show that nothing is as it seems to be. The Man Who Needed Nothing original was selected as The Best Book of The Year 2014 by Lithuanian readers.
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